Why do I need you?  Can I just do this on my own?

You may not need me right now. Heck, you may not need me ever!
Every business owner needs the support of others to help them grow through the different stages of business. Some may never want to grow their business to the level where a Second-in-Command is needed or wanted.
My clients are business owners who are ready mentally and financially to step out of the role of manager and start leading their vision into the future. They're ready to stop working longer and longer hours each day on tasks that are not in their "zone of genius". They're ready to grow and scale to higher levels of profit, reach and freedom

Do you charge a package rate or hourly rate?

This depends on the scope of the work, what specific support you require and whether the work is project based or ongoing. During a call is a great time to discuss your options.

I’m ready….what’s next?

Schedule a Discovery Call with me!

I'll review your message or email and follow-up within 24 hours during normal work week days with a link to my calendar.
Once you schedule your Discovery call, you'll receive a Discovery Package with some additional questions to help me better understand your needs prior to the call.

Then we'll meet and talk about how we can work together to grow your business and give you more time freedom!